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Training and workshop for agricultural equipment in Louga - Senegal

Opportunities for young people and services for farmers

The initiative aims to contribute to reducing poverty and improving food security in rural areas, thanks to the strengthening of the technical capacity and services offered by a mechanics workshop and, therefore, improving the capacity of local farmers and raising the technical skills of local youth.

One of the main concerns of farmers concerns agricultural equipment, those held by individual families as well as those managed by the community, necessary for the work. Currently in the target area, the agricultural tools are outdated and in need of maintenance, being not renewed for lack of resources and trained personnel in technical / mechanical field.

The mechanical workshop will be equipped with the necessary equipment and tools for maintenance and repairs of agricultural tools. It is also expected to increase the professionalism and youth participation in local development processes, through technical training about mechanical concepts and the business dynamics, with guidance to the implementation of technical-economic activities in rural areas.

OPM valdese  

RE.TE. ong via Norberto Rosa 13/a 10154 Torino Tel: +39 011 7707388 Fax: +39 1782725520