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Barriera in transition

for a more inclusive district

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The "Barrier in Transition" project aims to strengthen the development of the territory, both in social and economic areas, including fighting against social disease in Barriera di Milano and facilitating the social inclusion of vulnerable and disadvantaged people. The project values individual capabilities and help build a network of aid and exchange based on close relationships, creating synergies with the community to limit the emergence of conflicts and ensure continuity to the processes of aggregation through the skills that each individual can offer.

The intervention:

- Promotes the social development of the territory through a management committee, the vegetable garden committee and other internal share points and the explicit inclusion of the most disadvantaged sections of the population.
- Promotes self-production, training and the fight against waste, also favoring an improvement in the economic situation of all participants in the initiative.
- Promotes social integration and cultural coexistence, being located in multi-ethnic area of ​​great social disease and proposing meetings and collective actions in a shared space available to all citizens, with specific focus on disadvantaged sections of the population.
- Creates cohesion and network work between different associations and institutional bodies of the territory.

The activities involve:

1. Workshop on themes of self-production, food saving, home saving, nutrition education. The meetings will also present best practices, relevant experiences and abilities to access city-wide free services.

You can find the handouts of the laboratories at the end of the article

2. The launch of a local expiring or unused food recovery system. That will be collected weekly from the sale points and markets, and distributed to the neighborhood population in difficulty (on the recommendation of the district health point). The actions will be shared with the associations already working on it, to be coordinated and effective.

3. The continuing involvement of social services and their users in the vegetable garden collective management and implementation of activities related to the reuse of still edible food.

4. Mapping and creation of a "skills bank", a database that will gather the skills that each of the components of the social network intends to offer, enhancing the capabilities of individuals to create an help and exchange network based on the neighborhood.

5. Monthly organization of "no money" markets in order to raise awareness on the reuse, exchange and sharing of objects and tools.



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