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Bosnia Herzegovina

What we achieved

RE.TE. worked in Bosnia after the pacifist volunteering experiences during the war, in particular in Breza, a center 20 kilometers from Sarajevo, beginning in 2001. The action was multisectoral, promoting:

  • a micro-credit fund for disabled people,
  • the realization of a youth aggregation and training center,
  • the opening of a center that offered women a Pap test program - then adopted by the local health unit and finally spread to the cantonal level,
  • the realization of a fashion training and production workshop inside the women centre,
  • the support to an agricultural cooperative with the construction of greenhouses, the realization of a collection and processing center and a shop.
  • an exchange with the Municipality of Caluso to support the cantonal wine production.
  • the improvement of municipal services of drinking water supply and waste collection, also widened in Kragujevac, Serbia.
  • the realization of teacher training programs and cooperative learning experimentation for a culture of peace in schools, then expanded and diffused at the cantonal level and in other centers of the area; the program also saw the post-flood reconstruction of school laboratories.

All these initiatives have seen the great participation of local authorities and civil society of Piedmont and beyond, as well as the funding of specific actions by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Region Piemonte, various municipalities, the Compagnia di San Paolo and Fondazione CRT. 

More in this category: « Serbia Back to the future »

RE.TE. ong via Norberto Rosa 13/a 10154 Torino Tel: +39 011 7707388 Fax: +39 1782725520