Back to the Future is a project of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration, managed by GUS Ngo in collaboration with RE.TE. and others Ngos, which offers assistance to the return in the countries of originof of non-EU citizens who request them. The project supports those who choose to return home through an individualized path, starting from motivations, experiences and skills, as well as the personal aspirations. The individual path is structured in connection with the network of local partners who supports it.
The project is aimed at
- Third-country nationals who have not yet received a final negative response to their request to long-term stay or international protection in a Member State;
- Third-country nationals who enjoy the right of long-term residence or international protection byDirective 2011/95 / EU or temporary protection by Directive 2001/55 / EC in a Member State of EU;
- Third-country nationals that are present in a Member State and do not or no longer fulfill the conditions for entry and / or stay in a Member State, including third-country nationals whose removal has been postponed in accordance with Article 9 and Article 14, paragraph 1, Directive 2008/115 / EC.
To benefit of the actions write an e-mail to or call (+39) 371 1124916 from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 17.00.